Groupe BTL, Business & Technical Languages - 82 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris

Expression idiomatique en anglais: Cut to the chase

L’expression idiomatique en anglais « Cut to the chase » Definition: Skip the irrelevant parts, and go straight to the main point. Example: “Why don’t you just cut to the chase, and tell me where you hid my phone!” Source: Meaning: Get to the point – leaving out unnecessary preamble. It means that the person is extremely unpopular. It is a trigger for saying that someone has done a deed which has made him infamous in his circle and where people are angry with the said person. Origin: This phrase originated in the US film industry. ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , , |

Expression idiomatique en anglais: veg out

Veg out Relaxing and celebrating go hand-in-hand with the festivities at this time of year. ‘Veg out’ is an idiomatic way of saying ‘relax’ in English. This informal expression could come in handy! See below for details of the meaning and example sentences to help you start putting it into practice. Meaning: to stop working hardto take things slow and easyto relax and have all worries out of one’s mindto participate in activities that are relaxing in nature and help one rejuvenate Example sentences: After a hard week, I like to veg out in front of the television during the weekend.My grandfather had ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|

En anglais dans le texte: How did the month of December get its name?

And we finish off the year with December, from decem, ‘ten’. The month also comes with a brace of adjectives: Decemberish and Decemberly, the latter of which can also be used as an adverb. And there you have it: a whole calendar year of etymologies to see you through the whole of 2016.Source: notre rubrique "ressources pédagogiques" pour vous entraîner sans stresser en anglais, espagnol, FLE, portugais, etc. grâce à une multitude de sites internet soigneusement sélectionnés pour leur qualité et fiabilité.

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , |

Expression idiomatique en anglais: hit the nail on the head!

Hit the nail on the head Definition: Do or say exactly the correct thing. Example: “I really hit the nail on the head when I guessed they were getting married.” Meaning: be accurately right about something find the exact answer do or say exactly the right thing to precisely describe the cause of a problem or situation Example: Stephen hit the nail on the head when he said that what the company was lacking in was clear vision and focus. “You’ve found the problem, Sid! You hit the nail on the head!” He hit the ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|

En anglais dans le texte: How does the month of November get its name?

November From Latin again and again: November comes from novem, ‘nine’. November is also, we’re afraid, used ‘with allusion to November’s position at the end of the year, and to the characteristic greyness, gloominess, etc., associated with it in the northern hemisphere’. The earliest known example of this allusive use comes from Jane Austen’s posthumously published novel Persuasion.Source: notre rubrique « ressources pédagogiques » pour vous entraîner sans stresser en anglais, espagnol, allemand, italien, etc. grâce à une multitude de sites internet soigneusement sélectionnés pour leur qualité et fiabilité.Consultez notre rubrique « ressources pédagogiques » pour vous entraîner sans stresser en anglais, espagnol, FLE, portugais, etc. grâce à une multitude de sites internet soigneusement ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|

L’élection américaine – en anglais pour apprenants

« How American elects its President »: Merci à Voice of America/Learning English pour cette petite vidéo qui expliquer clairement et simplement comment fonctionne le système électoral aux Etats-Unis. Consultez notre rubrique « ressources pédagogiques » pour vous entraîner sans stresser en anglais, espagnol, FLE, portugais, etc. grâce à une multitude de sites internet soigneusement sélectionnés pour leur qualité et fiabilité.

Categories: Anglais : ressources|

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