What are the fundamental principles of language training?

Whether face-to-face or distance learning, one-to-one or in small groups, the success of our courses derives from the fundamental principles of language training:

  • the calibre of the teacher
  • a genuine focus on the learner via a tailor-made learning program
  • independent selection of the best learning resources
  • pedagogical and administrative support throughout the course

But beyond these essentials, it's our communicative and contextualized approach that enables you to reach your goals.

That's why the learner plays an active role from the outset, developing the communication skills they need to carry out their professional activities: collaborating, negotiating, solving problems, presenting...

How does our communicative and contextualized approach work?

In order to fully take into account the situation in which the learner needs to communicate, activities are based on "authentic documents" from their working environment.

The teacher uses role-play exercises to equip learners with the resources they need to deal with real-life challenges.

→ This leads to better retention as the knowledge acquired is connected to real actions and experiences.

→ Accelerated progress is made possible by spending more time on practicing speaking than theoretical matters.

Furthermore, active learner participation promotes increased confidence and motivation.

Innate language learning mechanisms are activated.

We also see improved precision because prioritising communication over perfection allows learners to overcome any complexes and practice more effectively.

Grammar is always studied in a real-life context. We consider it a communication tool rather than an end-goal in itself.

Head of Pedagogy, BTL

When it comes to speaking, accuracy is important, but fluency and intelligibility even more so.

Expert teacher, BTL
ISO 9001

A dedicated teacher adapts the approach as the course progresses

We favour having a single teacher dedicated to each course, in order to:

  • Establish a relationship of trust between learner and teacher
  • Adapt the teaching depending on the learner's progress, strengths and weaknesses
  • Develop in-depth understanding of the learner so as to fine-tune the program accordingly throughout the course
  • Optimise the ongoing evaluation of the consolidation work set by the teacher for each learner
  • Balance the experience with regular use of audio extracts and videos to develop learners' understanding of different accents

He's just the best teacher! His teaching methods are perfect, and he makes you want to excel.

Murielle S., Sales Assistant

Our team >

How do we teach?

Our memory anchoring techniques enable you to integrate what you've learned in a lasting way.

Our teaching approach is based on learning how to communicate effectively as quickly as possible, thanks to the " three Ps ".

1. Presentation of the target
language in context

The teacher helps the learner to identify the particular element of language to be learnt, its purpose, its format, rules on how to use it, etc.

In this video, which techniques are the speakers using to debate ESG policy?

2. Practice : micro-tasks

The learner does exercises designed to anchor their technical understanding of the point in question.

Listen to the radio recording. How would you complete the gaps in these sentences?

3. Production : macro-tasks,
role-play scenarios

The learner puts what they have learnt into action thanks to a spoken exchange that closely reflects their professional setting.

Let's say you're trying to convince me to update the company's investment strategy. I'll play the role of a busy director.

As such, the content of a language training course is defined by the trainer according to the learner's objectives, and typically includes:

  • Work on the four core language skills in a professional context: oral and written expression and comprehension
  • Situational exercises, role-play, case studies, audio & video extracts, reading articles, drafting emails and professional documents
  • Revision and acquisition of professional vocabulary and grammatical structures

We also offer Blended Learning, the perfect combination and systematic integration of e-learning with teacher-led courses.

Consolidating language skills and knowledge

The teacher recommends activities to complete between classes to help the learner integrate the language learned and work on any weaker points or gaps in knowledge that they may have identified. Consolidation also involves revision at the start of each session, and regular quizzes throughout the course cycle.

Concrete results

Expected results of our training courses

  • Express yourself with greater ease on professional subjects: in interviews, meetings, on the phone...
  • Better handle phone calls, conferences, meetings, presentations...
  • Better understand emails, articles and/or professional documents
  • Improved professional writing
  • Use a more varied and relevant professional and socio-professional lexicon
  • Use more complex grammatical structures with fewer mistakes

The CEFR scale

BTL's expert assessors are qualified to position learners on the CEFR. All our programs and course materials are categorized according to their CEFR level. At the end of the course, each learner receives a final report indicating his or her new level on this scale.
Paliers de Progression et équivalences CECRL

Educational tools

At BTL, the choice of teaching tool depends on the client's overall language training plan. We are proud to have been working for many years with the world's leading educational publishers, and to be able to offer, with the objectivity of an independent advisor, the materials best suited to the context of the learners and the objectives set by the client.

We offer a multitude of excellent teaching resources adapted to the learner's profession, level, objectives and needs (manuals, printed documents, e-learning tools, websites). BTL categorizes materials according to their pedagogical objective:

  • Learning resources for developing cross-cutting professional skills
  • Learning resources specific to particular professions or fields of competency

Consolidation work

At BTL, consolidation work is an integral part of our pedagogical approach. The teacher systematically encourages learners to undertake individual consolidation work between classes. They involve and engage learners by giving them consolidation exercises between each session. These exercises enable them tointegrate learning in a lasting way and progress more rapidly.

The teacher and trainee agree on the activity to be carried out before the next lesson from a multitude of possibilities, including :

  • research on a particular vocabulary theme online (lexicon, etc.)
  • listen to a podcast in order to given a spoken presentation on it at the next session
  • complete an interactive exercise (grammar, pronunciation, comprehension) chosen from a wide range of learning resources
  • draft meeting minutes
  • summarise one of the learner's own professional documents
  • prepare a business meeting, etc.

This consolidation work is reviewed by the trainer before the class and feedback is shared at the beginning of the next session. The rest of the class is devoted to speaking practice based on the theme, vocabulary or grammar point being targeted that day.

Our dedicated teacher policy applies to all our medium/long-term courses. However, our view is that for week-long intensive courses, it is important to interact with different teachers so as to keep the pace of learning dynamic and to expose learners to a variety of methods and accents. Continuity is ensured thanks to the tailor-made program created in advance and the internal "Course tracker" tool.