Welcome to BTL! We are corporate language training specialists, in operation since 1983.

Groupe BTL - Business & Technical Languages - is a training organization that has been providing companies with quality language training services since 1983.

Our goals: to make the right diagnosis, to provide quality advice, to put in place effective training that generates real linguistic progress, and to manage the day-to-day running of your training plan.

Since 1983, we have been responding to all our clients' foreign language training needs: pedagogical consulting, audits, language reference systems, long-term and intensive courses, communication workshops, distance learning (videoconferencing and telephone), Blended Learning courses, coaching, immersion trips...

Our clients

BTL has more than 300 customers, including international companies and the highest levels of government. Year after year, these companies and public authorities place their trust in us to implement tailor-made solutions and comprehensive, flexible management of large-scale training plans.

Consult the satisfaction rate and customer testimonials >

Carrefour fait confiance à BTL
Groupama fait confiance à BTL
Natixis fait confiance à BTL
Sony music fait confiance à BTL

Our teams

Today, BTL's growth and development prospects are underpinned by :

Our management team at 82 boulevard Haussmann and our teachers in the Paris region

From our headquarters in the 8th district, our trainers travel to customer sites throughout the Paris region. Discover our team >

Our dedicated distance learning team

which provides courses all over the world. Our English-speaking team is based in the UK.

Réseau province
Our network of regional trainers

which covers not only Paris, but also some thirty cities across all regions of France (Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Rennes, Strasbourg, Toulouse, etc.). where we operate >

Our quality guarantees

The BTL Group holds the following certifications : Qualiopi, ISO 9001 and ISO 9001 applied to providers of skills development services. These certifications attest to the quality and expertise of our trainers, our pedagogical know-how, the reliability of our methods and the assiduous tracking of learner progression. All this driven by a commitment to exceeding our clients' expectations.

Furthermore, our French language training offer has been awarded the Qualité FLE label by the French government.

Find out more about our commitment to quality >

ISO 9001
Qualiopi processus certifié pour Actions de Formation
Le label qualité FLE décerné à Groupe BTL

Our active role in the professional training sector

Human and cultural exchange are at the heart of our what we do. We have solidified our social and environmental values by joining the UN Global Compact. Since 2014, we have been regularly assessed by Ecovadis and publish an annual CSR progress report. Find out more about BTL's social responsibility >

BTL soutien le pacte mondiale depuis 2014
BTL recoit la medaille d'or d'Ecovadis en 2023

We are also an active member of the professional federation "les acteurs de la compétence" and the EdTech innovators network. Our long-term partnerships with OPCOs and ETS Global (TOEIC), among others, enable us to meet our clients' requirements in full.

Acteurs de la compétence
BTL applique la charte de déontologie CPF
BTl est membre de EdTech France

For the best possible ROI, BTL is at your service

At BTL, our aim is to make your life simpler.

...whether you are a training manager, human resources manager, purchasing manager, company director or employee.

How can we do this? By optimizing the effectiveness of your training system, within your budgetary parameters, without sacrificing quality. And to ensure the best possible return on investment, whether you're a customer or a learner.

How do we optimize your training budget?

First of all, we listen to you properly so as to:

  • ensure a proper diagnosis of your needs and constraints,
  • work with you to select an effective training program from a comprehensive range of options,
  • offer you excellent, qualified teachers
  • and learning tools that use innovative technology,
  • all the while carrying out quality assurance tracking on a daily basis,
  • in terms of both administration and pedagogy.

Diagnosing correctly so as to define clear objectives

Making the right diagnosis means understanding your needs and constraints. And by efficiently auditing your objectives, the needs of your learners and their language levels. This analysis phase enables us to identify the key components of the training program that needs to be put in place.

BTL utilizes high-performance auditing tools in all professional contexts.

We have one of the largest teams of assessors in France. These assessors carry out job audits, develop linguistic frames of reference, and identify language levels using the CEFR. We take into account each learner's individual needs, and set clear short and medium term objectives for each one - using the internal BTL test or independent tests such as the TOEIC.

Training with proven results

Entirely dedicated to language training, BTL has developed an effective pedagogical approach that adapts to the needs of each learner, thanks to contextualizing content around their day-to-day experience as professionals. When it comes to "general professional" training, varied role-play exercises and the choice of appropriate learning resources guarantee lively, structured courses that promote the acquisition of operational skills.

BTL also offers "job-specific" courses, which combine work on cross-disciplinary skills with work on the specific communication requirements of the learner's professional context.

Innovative services require an ambitious R&D policy

Our Innovation department has two main missions. It constantly monitors the latest pedagogical tools so as to provide our clients with innovative resources that meet the needs and constraints of their training programs. It also creates the learning resources for tailor-made programs when our clients have a specific project to deliver.

For over 40 years, BTL has consistently embraced new technologies for educational purposes. Today, for example, BTL offers perfectly integrated "Blended Learning": a well-balanced combination of instructor-led courses and guided online self-study.

We also offer distance learning courses that exploit technical innovations and digital tools, such as interactive whiteboards, to bring teacher and learner ever closer.

Whatever the type of course or teaching tool, it is technology that adapts to learners' needs, not the other way round.

The two main components of our pedagogical monitoring are :

  1. Tracking each learner's progress
  2. Pedagogical supervision of trainers
1. Learner progress tracking

At the beginning :

  • Before the first class: a preliminary briefing for the dedicated teacher which includes the assessor's initial report
  • During the first class, the teacher double-checks the learner's needs and expectations
  • After approximately 3 classes, the learner is invited to fill out an initial feedback questionnaire

During training :

  • The teacher updates notes on course content and progress after each class
  • We track activity on the e-learning platform, if applicable
  • We discuss each learner at regular meetings of pedagogy coordinators and teachers

At the end:

  • The teacher produces a detailed individual report
  • The learner is invited to complete a training evaluation form
2. Pedagogical supervision of trainers

The 'Pedagogical Coordination ' service is responsible for managing our entire teaching team, advising them, providing ongoing training and passing on their experience and this throughout their career at BTL. From induction courses to training plans and regular one-to-one meetings.

In addition to monitoring teachers and learners in the field, BTL typically offers three types of monthly tracking:

  • Attendance statistics, showing for each trainee the number of lessons completed, absences and their reasons, and the overall attendance rate since the start of the training program.
  • Pedagogical statistics on courses in progress, training courses about to start and cycles completed.
  • Blended Learning course statistics: reporting on connection time per trainee on the chosen e-learning platform.

These ISO and Qualiopi-certified procedures help limit absenteeism, reinforce the responsibility of teachers and learners, and maximize training effectiveness.

This enables BTL to take corrective action with teachers and/or learners, if necessary, and to communicate with its clients in this regard.

Our pedagogical approach >