Expression idiomatique en anglais : a chip on the shoulder
chip on your shoulder
- Definition: When someone is upset about something that happened a while ago.
- Example: “He has a chip on his shoulder from years of being bullied as a kid.”
chip on his/her shoulder
- holding a grudge or grievance
- a perceived sense of inferiority
- being angry because of something that happened in the past
- habitually combative attitude
- take offence easily
- He’s always picking up fights with everyone. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder.
- He has a chip on his shoulder for not being born into a rich family.
- He has a chip on his shoulder for not being invited to the party.
- Why do you get so aggressive at the slightest hint of criticism? You seem to have a chip on your shoulder.
- She has a chip on her shoulder about not getting admission into that university.
This phrase originated in the USA in the 1800s. It refers to a practice where people who were looking for a physical fight would place a chip of wood on their shoulders, challenging others to knock it off.
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